Fresh off first year exam season, I decided to look for a summer internship. In the midst of creating my CV for job applications, it dawned upon me that I really don't have much to put on it. I listed everything from waitressing jobs to being a girl scout in high school but it just didn't seem to be enough. My portfolio was empty aside from that one Chemical Burn assignment that was riddled with continuity problems.
My panic-mode alarm blared and so I decided to whip out my amateur editing skills to stitch together something to put on my portfolio. Or at least a work-in-progress to let my future employer know that I'm an active editor practicing to get freaking amazing or whatever. What did I decide to edit? Well, I hate to say it but...
I made a vlog. Yes, I did. Unfortunately.
A vlog of my friends and I hanging out at the Sarawak Cultural Village. I pretended that people cared about my life and made a vlog like every other YouTuber wannabes (no offence, it seems like a great career path but not everybody can be a successful one).
I worked on it for a week and to be honest, it's cute for my friends and I to watch it but I don't see why other people would bother to know what I did on a weekend. I even made name tags for my friends like those cringey American TV shows' title sequences.
The song "Mee Kolok Sigek"covered by Sarawakian artist, Sasha Ningkan, basically refers to the breakfast we had that morning and also became the title of the vlog because I got attached to how culturally representative it is of Sarawakian food and language. If you are Sasha and you are reading this, I'm sorry I ripped the song out of your SoundCloud without asking but it is a super cute rendition. Please don't sue me, I'm student-broke :(
The video is made out of mostly live photos and photos taken on my phone so if the images flash by too fast or move weirdly, I apologise on behalf of my shots. I decided to make this vlog halfway through the outing which meant that I had very limited material for editing. The editing is obviously choppy and amateur but hey, my license to be crap hasn't expired yet.
Please enjoy and pretend to care about me and what my friends did in this video if you have 5 minutes to spare. I added english captions and it's advisable to have it on if you don't understand Mandarin.
I made the video in a haste but I didn't even bring it up during my interview because it didn't look like something to show employers while trying to get a job. I got the job in the end anyway haha. So to answer the question in the title, YouTube vlogs are a no-no for me.